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Ship Building returns to Teesside

J Mac Scaffolding was Employed as the Specialist Scaffolding Contractor by McDonald Offshore and Marine Limited to undertake the Erection and Dismantle of Independent Free Standing Scaffolding and Various specialist safety guardrails to allow for the Safe construction and painting of the New Vessel, the Scaffolding was built using System Scaffolding and was built on Teesside using local Labour and Sub contractors.

The Vessel named the Scallop Trawler Summer Rose was launched on the Tees on the 19th October 2017, the Vessel circa 140t is the first boat to be launched on the River Tees for over 10 years.

Read about it here…

  1. Gazette Live Article – Future Bright as Ship Building Returns to Banks of Tees After Eight Year Hiatus.
  2. LinkedIn Article – Mobilising for Launch of Summer Rose.


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